
Dieselmatic R.O.I. Calculator

Dieselmatic R.O.I. Calculator
Spending money on marketing used to be a black box — but not anymore. Use the Dieselmatic R.O.I. (Return On Investment) Calculator to see when your investment starts making you money.

Use the calculator below to find your profit.

Spending money on marketing used to be a black box — but not anymore. Use the Dieselmatic R.O.I. (Return On Investment) Calculator to see when your investment starts making you money.

R.O.I. Calculator

What is the value of your average customer invoice?


Drag the slide below so the number above shows your average customer invoice.






What is your approx. profit margin?


The diesel industry average is 35% but it's always smart to use conservative numbers when determining R.O.I.





Your average profit per customer is:

This means that for every job your shop does, you make about after all said and done.

If you spent $2500 per month on marketing, the return on your marketing investment begins after:

How many new customers can expect as a Dieselmatic Partner?

Every market is different so we can't say exactly how many new customers can you expect. That said, we've been able to reach some pretty impressive numbers with our partners. On overage, our partners see at least one email inquiry per day that is directly attributed to Dieselmatic's marketing efforts after the first year.

After Dieselmatic's fee and advertising spend, most shops average a $10,000 per month profit directly attributed to our partnership.

Technological Advancements in Truck Repairs
February 7, 2024
Sean Leslie
Sean Leslie