
Dieselmatic Transparency Report

Dieselmatic Transparency Report
A deep-dive into the analytics, statistics, and performance of Dieselmatic partner's marketing results.

We make a lot of claims about how Dieselmatic can increase revenue for your diesel repair shop.

But how do you know what we say is true?

Are these numbers just pulled out of a hat?

Some might say what we do is a form of magic but we're here to prove that our digital marketing results are based in data and analytics. So, we created the Dieselmatic Transparency Report to show how our digital marketing strategies perform.

I love transparency — but we're always careful when it comes to protecting our partner's information.

So, we're going to show you insights into Dieselmatic's analytics and results with redacted customer info.

Claim #1: Dieselmatic websites average 30 emails per month from contact forms alone.

Google Analytics ROI analysis for a Dieselmatic partner website.

Above is a direct screenshot from a Dieselmatic partner's Google Analytics page.

With a total of 276 contact form submissions over the past 8 months of working with Dieselmatic, this diesel repair shop saw an average of 33 contact form emails per month.

Additional deets: this shop has an average profit per invoice of $500 which means their website led to $138,000 in profit over that 8 month period.

Claim #2: A Dieselmatic Partner website got a 100% Grade A GTMetrix score

GTMetrix report for

This one is pretty easy to validate. You can check any website's GTMetrix Score by visiting this link and entering the website into the "Test Your Site" box.

Try it out yourself by clicking the click above and entering

Monument Diesel's website (built by Dieselmatic) receives a 100% Grade A GTMetrix score.

Additionally, we said that it had a 0.6 second load time (super fast) but it was actually a little faster than that in this test, coming in at 0.419 seconds.

Claim #3: A new site we launched received a 25.7% avg Click-Through-Rate

Google Search Console report on a diesel repair shop website's CTR

A bit of an update on this one: it's now receiving a 17% CTR.

It's a very new site (barely a month old) so fluctuations like this are bound to happen.

That said, the results this site is receiving are fantastic. We'll continue to monitor them and update if and when changes occur.

Claim #4: Mobile now accounts for 52% of internet traffic

This isn't news: everyone nows that people are using their phones more than ever. (Source)

However, rather than another boring study we thought we'd show some data from an actual diesel repair shop.

Mobile traffic vs. Tablet/Desktop traffic

This site had 15,706 users. Mobile traffic accounted for 10,420 visits — which works out to over 66% of traffic coming from mobile phones.

For diesel repair shop owners, this is a crucial part of your marketing to understand:

Users are searching for your shop when they are in need of repair, and it's happening on their phones.

If your website isn't optimized for mobile with quick call links, clear directions to your shop, your hours, and what your shop looks like, your potential customer might go to somewhere else.

Claim #5: Get on the first page of Google and receive 35% more phone calls

Dieselmatic Dashboard showing GMB results on our Turbo Plan.

On average, Dieselmatic partners receive a minimum 35% increase in phone calls when signing up for a Dieselmatic plan.

Adrenaline Diesel signed up for the Turbo Plan in September of 2020.

Since then, they've seen an increase of 72% in phone calls.

Claim #6: Dieselmatic partners receive 30% more websites visits, 35% more phone leads and 18% more contact form leads

In this case, "more" means an increase in each subsequent category after signing up for a Dieselmatic plan.

Question: Did this diesel repair shop gain at least 30% more website visits?

Google Search Console results for a diesel repair shop website showing the amount of clicks for 6 months before and after signing up for a Dieselmatic plan.

Answer: Yes — the shop's website clicks actually increased by 51%.

For the 6 month period before this shop signed up for a Dieselmatic marketing plan, their website received 1,140 organic search result clicks from Google. For the 6 month period after signing up with Dieselmatic, their website received 2,230 clicks from Google organic search results. That works out to a 51% increase in website visits.

Question: Did this diesel repair shop get at least 35% more phone leads?

Dieselmatic Dashboard showing GMB report resulting in a 51% increase in phone calls. This chart shows a 6 month performance comparison.

Answer: Yes — their phone calls increased by 51%.

For the 6 months before this diesel repair shop started working with Dieselmatic, they received 500 phone calls from their Google My Business profile.

For the 6 months after signing up with Dieselmatic, they received 981 phone calls. An overall increase of 51%.

What's more impressive is that February of 2021 had a 65% increase in phone calls compared to August 2020. Why is that impressive? Because summer is typically busier than winter, yet this shop's marketing plan increased their exposure so they were actually busier.

Question: Can signing up for a Dieselmatic plan get you 18% more contact form leads?

Google Analytics comparison showing an increase of 100% in contact form leads.

Answer: Yes — this shop's contact form leads increased by 100%.

This one is pretty huge.

Previously, this diesel repair shop's website received 0 contact form submissions from August 2017 to May 2019.

In June 2019, they signed up for the Dieselmatic Turbo Plan. Since then, they've received an average of 22 contact form submission per month.

Claim #7: Dieselmatic brings customers back to your website 16% of the time

Dieselmatic partner results from Social Marketing retargeting.

Dieselmatic's Social Marketing strategy brought 16.90% of users back to their Dieselmatic partner's website last month.

We do this through retargeting users. But what does that mean?

Imagine someone finds your shop's website through a Google search.

They check out your business and a couple others but aren't quite ready to decide on where to go yet.

Over the next few weeks, as they consider which shop to trust, Dieselmatic's Social Marketing shows them advertisements on Facebook and Instagram.

This helps build trust and keep your shop top-of-mind for the customer.

Then, when they're ready to bring their truck in for service your shop is the clear choice as they've seen examples of your work, reviews from other customers, and proof of your exerptise and quality.

Claim #8: Part 1 of our Marketing Guide helped a Dieselmatic partner's revenue increase by $10k per month from their Google My Business profile alone

Google Analytics chart showing GMB search conversions.

The Diesel Repair Shop Marketing Guide: Part One reviews how to optimize your Google My Business profile for increased search results presence.

We claimed that the guide can help your diesel repair shop increase revenue by $10,000 per month.

So, is it true?

The chart above shows a Dieselmatic partner's organic search results from July 2020 to February 2021.

We implemented the guide's recommendations in September 2020.

Since then, the conversion value of the website has continued to climb and has now increased to $14,500 per month as of February 2021.


We always try give conservative estimates when making claims. To be honest, it was a great exercise for our team to create this report and show the results we achieve for Dieselmatic partners. Typically, the results we see are higher than what we say and it's great to have a report that supports that statement.

If you're a diesel repair shop owner and looking for a marketing solution that will increase your shop's brand, credibility, and revenue, send us an email at We'd be happy to talk about how we can use the same strategies as you saw above to build your shop together.

Interview With James Martin: Co-Owner of Diamond Fleet Services
February 7, 2024
Steve Thompson
Steve Thompson