
Free Guide: How To Get More Google Reviews

Free Guide: How To Get More Google Reviews
Get more Google Reviews for your diesel truck repair shop using the steps in this free guide.

Reviews are one of the most important components of your advertising. You can market all you want, but it’s going to be your reviews that ultimately draw in a large portion of your customer base. 

Why? Because customers trust other customers. They’ll be pleased to see your marketing efforts; after all, that’s how they know what services your shop performs, or whether you have a mobile branch that operates around the clock. But you’re just telling them what you do. Reviews from fellow customers tell them how you did it.

Reviews are important. 

More to the point, Google Business reviews are really important.

Here’s how to get more of them.

Generate a Review Link

The easiest and most time-efficient way to ask for a Google review is to provide a link directly to the review section of your profile. 

We’ll assume for the sake of this article that you’ve already set up a Google Business profile and are comfortable uploading pictures, changing your hours, and so on. In other words, you’re ready to receive reviews, should a customer leave them.

Log into your Google Business account. Navigate to "Home" and scroll down until you see "Get more reviews" on the right.

Then, click the "Share review form" button. Copy the link.

How to Ask for Reviews

So, you have your review link. Now you have to get it to your loyal, satisfied customers.

Are you concerned that you might be bothering them? Don’t be. Consumers of all stripes are used to being asked for reviews. Almost every kind of service or retail adventure they undertake attaches a “HOW ARE WE DOING?” question to the receipt, whether it’s emailed or paper. And almost everyone has used a review site at some point. Basically, you aren’t bothering them.

Have your office manager, service manager, or whoever runs the front desk ask happy customers to leave reviews as they’re headed out. Add the link you just generated to a digital invoice, or email or text it to your customers a few days after service to ask how you did. You can write that email around a friendly message like the one below: 

Hey there, [customer name]!

Did you have a good visit? We’d love it if you left a review on our Google Business page! [place link here] Just click that link to leave us a review. 


Your Repair Shop

You can also paste the link on your shop’s social media or even on your website to ask for reviews. 

Put Google to Work For You

There’s a lot more to Google Business and getting reviews—and sure, you could go digging through support documents or marketing websites to learn more about them. But we’ve compiled everything you, a commercial repair shop owner, need to know about this powerful tool. Grab our free ebook now and put Google Business and its review system to work for you.

Social Media Creation For Truck Repair Shops
February 7, 2024
Alan Tran
Alan Tran